Golder Associates

This Pipeline Protection and Integrity Plan outlines the potential failure modes and design considerations and environmental and spill control measures for pipeline construction and operation.

This technical memorandum summarizes the potential failure modes and other contributing risk factors to the Peg Leg TSF alterative that could lead to downstream impacts, and how those failure modes are addressed in design and the methodology.

This technical memorandum describes an evaluation of the GoldSIM model seepage results incorporating additional seepage controls and Best Available Demonstrated Control Technologies (BADCT) such as “thin lift” deposition.

Early on August 4, 2014, a tailings dam failure occurred at the Mount Polley Mine caused water and tailings to be released form the Tailings Storage Facility to Polley Lake, Hazeltine Creek and Quesnal Lake.

The Peg Leg Pipeline Corridor (PLPC) DEIS study considered two potential pipeline corridor alignment options for transport of mill tailings from the West Plant concentrator site to the Peg Leg TSF and return of reclaim water from the Peg Leg TSF back to the West Plant concentrator site.

This report presents the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) design for the Peg Leg Site Alternative 5 – Optimized. The site is located west of the Florence-Kelvin highway approximately 18 miles south of the Superior, Arizona mill site, as shown on attached drawing G-001.

The objectives of the investigation were to obtain data necessary to support the pre-feasibility design of the proposed Near West TSF, to obtain additional information to support hydrogeological characterization of the site, and to characterize potential borrow materials located near the TSF footprint.

This report is the 2012-2013 annual report on the field testing program for Resolution tailings. It also represents the conclusion of the project and the final evaluation of the leachate trends. The testing program, developed by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) with Geochimica (Golder/Geochimica), included cleaner and scavenger tailings from the proposed Resolution Copper Project.

This technical memorandum presents the results from the 43-week extended kinetic geochemical characterization program of scavenger tailings for the Resolution Copper Project conducted by Golder Associates (Golder). The program was carried out to evaluate the environmental stability of the tailings and supplement the static testing program reported in Golder 2007.

This technical memorandum presents the results from the 20-week kinetic geochemical characterization program of cleaner and scavenger tailings for the Resolution Copper Project conducted by Golder Associates (Golder). The program was carried out to evaluate the environmental stability of the tailings and supplement the static testing program reported on in a previous document (Golder 2007).


Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website