Biological Resources

Bird surveys were conducted in the vicinity or RCM's holdings near Superior, Arizona. This report provides an inventory of the birds observed during 2009, various analyses of the data by habitat type, and where appropriate, comparisons to similar data collected in 2008.

Three motion-sensitive cameras besides springs within a study area along Devils Canyon. Cameras captured numerous identifiable images of animals representing both mammals and bird species.

Bird surveys were conducted in the vicinity of RCM's holdings, near Superior, Arizona. This report provides an inventory of the birds observed as well as a discussion of results from the data collection efforts.

Fish surveys were conducted in order to determine the presence of absence of the Gila chub, as well as other native fishes within portions of Devils Canyon and upper Mineral Creek, and within two stock tanks in the vicinity of the Project. The Gila chub is listed by USFWS as endangered with critical habitat under the ESA.

The Research Ranch, near Elgin in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, is administered by the National Audubon Society. It consists of about 8000 acres of federal and private lands that are managed for ecosystem research projects by the National Audubon Society, which has cooperative agreements with the federal land management agencies. This summary of the early history of land settlement of the Research Ranch area and some of the subsequent land transactions is taken primarily from information in the land records of the BLM and ASLD.

List of mammals [confirmed by observation or sign; suspected, but not confirmed; resident, common; occasional].

The Audubon IBA bird survey data collection coordinated by the Tucson Audubon-IBA Program, Avian Science Initiative, at 7B Ranch provided key "mesquite bosque avian habitat" data for these reviews.

A raptor survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel, in the Tonto National Forest. The purpose of this survey was to determine which raptor species could be confirmed on the Parcel.

A bat survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel, in the Tonto National Forest. The purpose of this survey was to determine which bat species could be confirmed present on Parcel.

This report summarizes the biological resources of one parcel of U.S. Forest Service land (the Federal Parcel) and five privately owned parcels (the Offered Lands). The work was conducted in anticipation of a possible land exchange.


Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website