Tonto National Forest

The purpose of this report is to summarize current knowledge of population and habitat trends for species identified as management indicator species (MIS) for the Tonto National Forest.

This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) describes a Proposed Action (Preferred Alternative) and alternatives to the Proposed Action for the future management of the land and resources of the Tonto National Forest.

The Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) defines the long-term direction for managing the Tonto National Forest. The purpose of the Forest Plan is to provide for multiple use and sustained yield of goods and services from the Forest in a way that maximizes long-term net public benefits in an environmentally sound manner.

At six volumes, the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) describes the potential environmental effects from two proposed actions: a general plan of operations for development of a large-scale underground copper mine by Resolution Copper Mining, LLC.A related, and a legislatively-mandated land exchange.

The draft ROD explains the Tonto National Forest’s rationale and documents the Tonto’s proposed decision to authorize uses of National Forest System land by issuing a road use permit and special use authorizations for pipeline and power line corridors associated with the project. Guidelines for submitting an objection are described in Part 8 of the draft ROD.

This compilation of maps has been extracted from the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Draft Record of Decision (DROD) for the Resolution Copper Project, released on January 15, 2021.

Neil Bosworth, the Forest Supervisor for the Tonto National Forest, outlines his agency’s responsibilities and encourages the public to review the Draft EIS and provide substantive comments with supporting reasons in his Dear Reader letter.

Collection of 20 posters and maps presented at the Draft EIS Public Hearings held in September and October 2019.

This newsletter provides an overview of how the document is organized, content, how to get a copy, and how to provide substantive comments.

This map package provides a more detailed view (1:24,000 scale) of the pipeline corridor, power line corridor, and access roads to these corridors for the Forest Service’s preferred alternative.


Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website