Resolution Copper Mining

Describes Resolution's plan to implement the following standard practices for the prevention of invasive species introduction on Project areas located on National Forest System lands.

The Pond and Atlantis climbing areas are on Resolution Copper’s private property. The majority of the Mine area is located on Resolution’s property with Resolution holding mining claims to the remainder of the area. If you plan on climbing in these areas please click on the button below to e-sign the required waiver.

Resolution Copper (RC) has established the Independent Technical Review Board (ITRB) in accord with the Rio Tinto D5 Standard. This action comports with current international best practices for siting and design of large and complex tailings storage facilities.

Resolution Copper Mining, LLC (Resolution), proposes to conduct baseline hydrologic and geotechnical testing and monitoring activities on National Forest System lands, located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF).

Resolution Copper would implement a Wildlife Management Plan to discourage wildlife from entering active mining areas at the East Plant Site (EPS), West Plant Site (WPS), Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) and Filter Plant and Loadout Facility.

The purpose of this document is to provide personnel in all areas of the Resolution Copper Mining LLC (RCM) operation access to procedures for the proper handling and disposal of hazardous materials and hazardous waste so as to protect the environment and to comply with laws and regulations.

Resolution Copper will use these techniques to ensure that the subsidence associated with its underground operations is predicted with a high degree of confidence, is monitored, is controlled, and that a process of continuous improvement is implemented as mining expands and further knowledge is gained.

Vicky Peacey, representing Resolution Copper, thanked members for coming and participating. It was stated that the group grew out of a suggestion from a town hall meeting earlier in the year. The group is made up of local residents, for the most part, who can help Resolution with project issues, most immediately with the tailings disposal.

Resolution Copper Mining, LLC (Resolution or RCM), proposes to continue previously approved exploration operations and conduct various new activities associated with the planning stages for copper mining within Tonto National Forest.

On February 13, 2015, Resolution Copper submitted a formal request to the Forest Service indicating their desire to convey the specified non-federal land to the United States.


Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website