Draft ROD

This document outlines the access and management plan for the campground once transfer of ownership is complete.

The 2012 edition of this manual provides electric utilities, wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders with guidance for reducing bird collisions with power lines based on the most current information.

This Pipeline Protection and Integrity Plan outlines the potential failure modes and design considerations and environmental and spill control measures for pipeline construction and operation.

Subsidence at the Resolution Copper (RC) project is predicted to occur in a typical slow and gradual process from approximately year 6 when the cave from the underground mining is expected to reach surface.

The objective of this plan is to support the site-wide reclamation plan (Tetra Tech 2020) by providing the strategy and design for implementing closure measures for the Skunk Camp TSF.

The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management strives to achieve the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and
the environment with zero tolerance for human fatality.

The program has been developed to characterize and monitor groundwater and surface water chemistry upgradient, downgradient, and in the vicinity of the proposed Skunk Camp Tailings Storage Facility (TSF).

This Monitoring and Mitigation Plan was prepared in response to public issues raised during scoping and public and agency comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Resolution Copper mine and land exchange.

The goal of this Wildlife Management Plan would be to reduce the potential for wildlife injury and mortality at active mining facilities.

The Road Use Plan is intended to provide general guidance for minimizing impacts to areas, resources, and people adjoining, served by, or otherwise affected by FRs and PNRs proposed for use by Resolution and its agents to access Project sites throughout the duration of the Project.


Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website